We have extensive experience in developing real-time detection solutions for a wide range of industrial markets.
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Bringing the Performance of the Lab to Loading Dock
Owlstone’s products and systems are designed to bring the analytical performance and power experienced in the lab right to the point of need in the field. Easily operated by non-technical personnel, our portable analyzer products provide real-time detection results. For these reasons, you will find our analyzers deployed globally at oil rigs, refineries, production facilities, and quality control centers.
The Value Proposition. Why Owlstone?
The value proposition of our Industrial products and technology leverages:
- Real-time results and efficiency. Take appropriate action immediately because lab results appear on the spot—not in days.
- Cost savings. Avoid penalties, corrosion damage, or compliance-testing failure.
- Ease of use and portability. Operations personnel want easy-to-use and robust equipment for chemical detection.
- Ease of integration. Integrate our instrument modules into your processes easily.
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